In the year 2008 or thereabouts, Jane and i decided to build a house on our lot at the High Cove property in Mitchell County. Though an intentional community to be, at that time no future community members had built a house, although a good handful of lots had been sold. We decided to take the plunge in the hope that our new house would encourage others to build. We rented a house near the site and began the construction process. Deciding on the construction materials for our green house and obtaining a building loan was more involved than anticipated, and when construction kept getting delayed by rain, i decided to write a song about the build in order to keep my sanity. I first wrote what i thought would be a chorus about the rain, but when more and more verses came as more and more things happened, the chorus became one the verses, though it was repeated at another part of the chronology, and part of it was used in a subsequent verse about snow.
The build took considerably longer and cost considerably more than what we had been led to believe. As a result, the song became rather long — 24 verses, taking nearly 16 minutes to sing. (As a result, i divided the mp3 into two parts.) The lyrics get somewhat depressing during the winter portion of the build; as a result, Jane does not like for me to sing the entire song. Be warned.