I’m not really sure what the initial steps were toward writing this song. For pretty much as far back as my first hearing or reading Genesis, i have thought two particular stories were unfair: First was God’s blessing of Abel’s offering but rejecting of Cain’s offering . Second, i was offended by Jacob’s cheating of his brother and yet being chosen by God as the progenitor of the nation of Israel. These examples were certainly in my mind as i mulled over writing a tongue-in-cheek accounting of the “conflict” between vegetarians and meat eaters.
The first version of the song contained only the first, second, fifth, and sixth verses of the final version. After playing it a while, i realized that i was not satisfied with the approximately four millennial gap between the second verse and the then third verse. So i wrote two more stanzas, one to bridge the large chronological gap, and the other a verse to present another example of my “thesis” that vegetarians have been attacking meat eaters since the dawn of humankind. Finally (?), i added another verse in April of 2018 to point out that the bane of engineering students and many pre-med students — calculus and much of classical physics — was discovered by Isaac Newton, vegetarian.
My use of the obviously false dating of the beginning as “six thousand years ago” was intended to alert the listener to my use of sarcasm in the song.