
In my life there have been a handful of areas that i felt i was pretty good at.  However, i always ran across people (usually friends) who were better than i.  It seemed to me that this fact was a positive contribution to my personality.  I decided to write a song about it.

The first draft of the song had no rhymes and no chorus.  As i kept working on it, i put the verses in a ABCB rhyme scheme and added a chorus between each verse.  I worked out a rough melody with my concertina, and then refined it using the key of A on my guitar. (I eventually had to capo at the 2nd fret to sing it acceptably.)

I decided that i should sing the chorus after every two verses to lessen the repetition, and then modified the melody so that it was different between the members of each pair of verses for the same reason.  Finally i added an “outro” that is sort of mix of the melody of the paired verses.

A series of tweaks to the lyrics, following my general approach of changing lines that felt especially awkward to me when sung, and the song felt done.  The result can be seen/heard at the links below.  Not my best song by far, but acceptable.

Lyrics    Audio