Forever Rich

We just finished BobFest 2018, so it’s not time for me to write another parodylan, but an idea came to me this morning while listening to someone singing “Forever Young” on NPR.  Immediately after the news was over i took my cup of tea downstairs and started work on this song.  The lyrics fell out quickly — in less than an hour.  I spent a short while listening to one of Dylan’s versions and Baez’s version, and then fiddling with chords suggested on an internet site while i sang my version. The song may be too cynical for general performance, so i may not use it at next year’s BobFest.  However, it does have the advantage of being social satire rather than political, and thus does not have the problem of becoming irrelevant in a short time span.

Deb Louis liked it when i sang it at the Micaville jam for the first time. You can judge for yourself:  See/hear the lyrics via the links below.  I’ve also sung it at the Dispensary several times.

Lyrics     Audio