I’ve bought and sold over 30 guitars since i started playing when i retired at 56. Most of my purchases were sight unseen, via ebay or an online dealer. I’ve given names to the ones i liked and kept for a while, often related to the wood they were made from or to their tonal quality. I have a few regrets about some that i sold and more regrets about some that i bought. But the buying and selling allowed me to explore a lot of guitars that i couldn’t have found in stores and to acquire some really outstanding acoustic instruments. After realizing that i did not want to learn new fingering for a 1948 Martin 0-18T tenor guitar (made just a few instruments before Nick Reynolds’ 0-18T) or ukulele, i’m now down to four acoustic steel string guitars and a bass ukulele. The fifth instrument listed below, a “nylon” string mini guitar/guilele, i recently sold because i wasn’t playing it sufficiently.