Refereed Pedagogical Physics Publications


Classical Mechanics with MapleTM, Ronald L. Greene (New York: Springer, 1995).


  1. "Illuminating Physics via Web-Based Self-Study," Ronald L. Greene, The Physics Teacher, 39, 356-360 (2001). An earlier version can be found on-line: "Physics Illuminations: Supplementing Instruction via Web-Based Self-Study".
  2. "Newton's Second Law for Multi-Particle Systems," Ronald L. Greene, The Physics Teacher, 36, 500 (1998).
  3. "On Integrating Computers into the Physics Curriculum," Ronald L. Greene, Mathematical Computation with Maple V: Ideas and Applications, ed. by Thomas Lee (Boston: Birkhäuser, 1993), pp. 34-42.
  4. "Lagrangian Mechanics for Open Systems," Ronald L. Greene and John J. Matese, European Journal of Physics, 2, 103-8 (1981).