Refereed Atomic Physics Publications

  1. "Advances in Plasma Broadening of Atomic Hydrogen," D. E. Kelleher, W. L. Wiese, V. Helbig, R. L. Greene, D. H. Oza, Physica Scripta, T47, 75-79 (1993).
  2. "An Overview of the Ion Dynamic Effect in Line Broadening and a Generalization of the Unified Theory," D. E. Kelleher, D. H. Oza, J. Cooper, and R. L. Greene, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 44, 101-8 (1990).
  3. "Hydrogen Stark Broadening from the Impact to Quasistatic Regime," Ronald L. Greene, Dipak H. Oza, and Daniel E. Kelleher, Spectral Line Shapes, Vol. 5, ed. by Joseph Szudy (Wroclaw, Poland: Ossolineum Publishing House, 1989), pp. 127-45.
  4. "Dependence of the Half-Widths of Plasma-Broadened Hydrogen Lines on Reduced Mass, Temperature, and Density," Dipak H. Oza, Ronald L. Greene, and Daniel E. Kelleher, Physical Review A, 38, 2544-51(1988).
  5. "Comment on Collisional Broadening of the H-a Line in Dense Plasmas," Dipak H. Oza and Ronald L. Greene, Journal of Physics B, 21, L5-8 (1988).
  6. "Collisional Broadening of the Balmer-a Transition of H and He+ in Plasmas," Dipak H. Oza, Ronald L. Greene, and Daniel E. Kelleher, Physical Review A, 37, 531-6 (1988).
  7. "Stark Broadening of Ha. and Hb Lines of C5+," Dipak H. Oza, Ronald L. Greene, and Daniel E. Kelleher, Physical Review A, 34, 4519-22 (1986).
  8. "Joint Probability Distribution for Stark Broadening Calculations," Ronald L. Greene, Physical Review A, 34, 4091-3 (1986).
  9. "Further Examination of Stark Broadening by Ion Perturbers," Ronald L. Greene, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 30, 409-12 (1983).
  10. "Ion-Radiator Dynamic Effects in Stark Broadening of He II Lines," Ronald L. Greene, Journal of Physics B, 15, 1831-9 (1982).
  11. "Comments on the Requirements for a General Stark Broadening Theory," Ronald L. Greene, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 27, 185-90 (1982).
  12. "A Relaxation Theory of Stark Broadening by Ions," Ronald L. Greene, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 27, 639-51 (1982).
  13. "Inclusion of Ion Dynamics in the Unified Classical Path Theory of Stark Broadening," Ronald L. Greene, Physical Review A, 19, 2002-8 (1979).
  14. "Stark Broadening of the 1640- and 4686-Å Lines of Ionized Helium," R. L. Greene, Physical Review A, 14, 1447-51 (1976).
  15. "A Unified Theory of Stark Broadening for Hydrogenic Ions: III. Results for He II Lyman-a," R. L. Greene and J. Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 15, 1045-53 (1975).
  16. "A Unified Theory of Stark Broadening for Hydrogenic Ions: II. Line Wings," R. L. Greene and J. Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 15, 1037-44 (1975).
  17. "A Unified Theory of Stark Broadening for Hydrogenic Ions: I. A General Theory," R. L. Greene, J. Cooper, and E. W. Smith, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 15, 1025-36 (1975).
  18. "On the Effect of Time-Ordering for Lyman-a," R. L. Greene and J. Cooper, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 15, 991-3 (1975).